We wish to announce that as of July 24th 2017, Souren Dakessian has acquired 100 % ownership of the company.
The company retains all of its managerial and technical resources comprising of 30 graduate fire, mechanical, electrical, industrial, chemical & safety engineers, architects, emergency responders, and systems experts; and continues its role as an independent consultancy specializing in fire engineering, technical safety, and emergency management, rendering services to a host of local, regional, and international clientèle located in the Middle East, Far East, Africa, CIS, and the Caribbean.
As part of the company’s strategic plan for growth, we are pleased to announce the establishment of our Jeddah Branch in August 2017, to serve clients in the Western Province of Saudi Arabia, and the upcoming Bahrain Regional Office in 2018.
News about the company, its vision, commitment, assets, services, and projects can be found at our new website: www.fecint.com
Our contact details and coordinates in Cyprus and KSA remain the same.
Souren Dakessian
Managing Director